Data Processing and Distribution
All AVIRIS-NG data is processed by the AVIRIS-NG instrument ground data system (IGDS) at JPL. Two hours after AVIRIS-NG data is received at the IGDS, (approximately 20 hours after data collection), a sensor performance evaluation is generated, based on preliminary analysis of the data. This performance evaluation will reveal any anomalies that were not detected by the preflight and postflight diagnostics performed in the field.
Within 48 hours after data collection, the IGDS will have archived the data and generated quick-look data products. An assessment of data quality (i.e. cloud cover) can also be performed during this period if arrangements have been made through the AVIRIS-NG experiment coordinator. "Quicklook" data will be generated and placed on-line via the AVIRIS-NG website. An email message is sent to the Principal Investigator announcing the availability of the data and describing the procedure for viewing it via a web browser.
After inspecting the quicklooks, the investigator can place an order for the portions of data he/she would like retrieved from the archive. The data is delivered as orthocorrected, calibrated for radiance and atmospherically corrected. A readme file is provided that describes the data product details. The investigator can request that the data be delivered via hard drive or via electronic download from the AVIRIS-NG FTP server. Delivery times vary, based on the current volume of data being processed at the data facility, but generally ranges from 1 - 4 weeks after data collection.
AVIRIS-NG data is available upon request and we are currently working on automating the data distribution process.
To request AVIRIS-NG data products, please fill out the online order form